This portfolio is a professional tool to help nurses record their career and post-registration education and practice. It provides a clear and concise framework within which a comprehensive resource can be built up that will be useful in a variety of ways including::
Applying for a new post Compiling a CV Seeking accreditation for prior learning and experience Participating in performance review Building a personal development profile Meeting the statutory requirements for renewing NMC registration.
About the Professional Portfolio Introduction. How to use the Professional Portfolio. What to include in your Portfolio. Personal Information. UKCC policy for professional education and practice. Part A - Profiles Section 1 - General and professional education profile - Education/academic history General education and academic profile. Introduction. Secondary education. Further education. Higher education. Other education and training. Professional education profile. Introduction. Registerable qualifications. Recordable qualifications. Professional diplomas/degrees. Section 2 - Employment profile - Employment History Introduction. Nursing, midwifery, health visiting. Overview of employment outside nursing, midwifery, health visiting. Voluntary or community work. Professional employment profile. Outside nursing career. Section 3 - Continuing education and development profile Introduction. Study activity - self-assessment. Part B - Current and future developments Section 4 - Professional development planning - Planning and activity Introduction. Present post. Critical incident analysis and learning outcomes. Clinical supervision record sheet. Performance review and action plan. Annual action plan summary. Current courses/programmes of study. Research and project work. Publications. Unpublished work. Lectures/papers presented. Personal notes and comments. Section 5 - Additional information Introduction. UKCC policy on the future of professional practice. The role of preceptor. Clinical supervision. Code of Professional Conduct for the nurse, midwife and health visitor. Mentorship and learning contracts. Continuing professional development profile (example). Compiling a curriculum vitae. Accrediting learning and experience. Statutory bodies, institutions and organisations. Glossary and abbreviations.
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