This issue of Physician Assistant Clinics, Guest Edited by Kim Zuber, PA-C and Jane S. Davis, CRNP, DNP, is devoted to Diabetes. Articles in this outstanding issue include:: A Century of Discovery:: The Centennial of Insulin; What it is and How we know:: Diabetes in the 21st Century; The Ominous Octet and other Scary Diabetes Stories; Putting the Diabetes Patient in Charge; Diabetes:: Counting Carbs Instead of Pennies; Non-insulin Therapy for Diabetes; Pens and Needles:: Insulin Therapy for Diabetes; Managing Diabetes in the Digital Age; When Crisis Strikes:: The acute complications of diabetes; Living Day to Day:: Chronic Complications in Diabetes; Sugar Babies:: Diabetes in the Pediatric Population; And Baby Makes 2:: Gestational Diabetes; The Boomers Come of Age:: Elderly and Frail Diabetes Patients; The Rising Price of Sugar; and The Future of Diabetes. A CME program is also available to subscribers of Physician Assistant Clinics.