The Workbook for Lippincott Essentials for Nursing Assistants follows the same straightforward organization as the parent text. Students will benefit from first reading the assignment in the text and then completing the corresponding workbook assignment. Chapters can be assigned according to the needs of the program’s curriculum. Key learning points, derived from the learning objectives in the textbook, are given for each subtopic within the chapter and help the student easily identify the concepts that are being reviewed and reinforced. Appealing to all learning types, activities include:: Multiple-Choice Questions Fill-in-the-Blanks Think About It Matching Crossword Puzzles Word Jumbles Labeling Sequencing Identification “Pam’s pearls,” words of advice and encouragement from the author, are scattered throughout to help reinforce information. Answers are provided in the Instructor Resources on thePoint and can be given to students at the instructor’s discretion.