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Child & Adolescent Health Yearbook 2013

Child & Adolescent Health Yearbook 2013

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The term, adolescence, can be traced to the 15th century and is based on Latin etymology; adolescere referring to growing into maturity. The current term, adolescence, identifies a critical period of human life that allows sufficient maturity for the human being to leave childhood dependency and pass through a dramatic period of immense physiological, psychological, and sociological consequences. The adolescent must accept the failures and successes of childhood with the initiation of puberty and in the end, start his or her adult life as central nervous system maturity occurs. The tremendous peaks of growth and development are only exceeded by those seen in utero and in early childhood. This yearbook is focused on adolescence with a chapter on health aspects in this time period, health risks, bullying and the new issue of internet addiction in adolescence, which we hope you will find of interest.
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Wymiary (mm)
180.00 x 260.00
Waga (g)
  • Introduction; Cardiology in Childhood & Adolescence; Pulmonary Disorders in Adolescence; Adolescence, Musculoskeletal Disorders & Sports Injuries; Adolescence & Rheumatoid Disorders; Adolescence & Metabolic Disorders; Kidney Diseases in Adolescence; The Self-Management & Transition to Adulthood Program UNC STARx:: Instruments & Lessons from the Field; Youth Suicide Prevention at Grassroots; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:: Neuropsychologic & Pharmacologic Aspects; Upper-Air Observation Indicators Predict Outbreaks of Allergies among Elementary School Children:: Integration of Daily Environmental & School Health Surveillance Systems in Pennsylvania; Health risk & deviant Behaviors among undergraduate students at an academic institute in israel; Adult Perceptions of Youth Mental Health Issues in a Canadian Province; Acceptability of HPV Vaccine among Young Adolescent Girls in Uganda:: Young Peoples Perspectives Count; Menarcheal Age of Nigerian Urban Secondary School Girls in Benin City; Nutritional Status of Nigerian Children with Sickle Cell Anaemia in Stable State; Parental Satisfaction & Treatment Outcome:: A 3-Year Study in Childrens Mental Health Services; The Influence of Friendship Groups & Media on Eating Behavior & Physical Activity in Adolescents; Correlates of Bullying Victimization among In-School Adolescents in the 2005 Botswana Global School-Based Health Survey; Aggression among Chandigarh High School Students:: To Know the Prevalence & Level of Aggression in Terms of Gender; Prevalence of Maltreatment of Adolescents among High School Children in Kerala; Siblings Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence:: Family Predictors of Child Trauma Symptoms; Results of an HIV Stigma Reduction Intervention on a University Campus; Menstrual Practices among Adolescent Girls in a Rural Area; Snack Consumption Patterns among Adolescent Nigerian Urban Secondary School Girls; Residential Care Centers for People with Intellectual Disability in Israel:: Trends in the Number of Children 1999-2007; Adverse Childhood Experience as a Risk Factor for Adolescent Pregnancy in China; Prevalence & Incidence of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among Nigerian Children & Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus; Health Care Seeking Avenues of Parents of School-Age Children with Severe Health Problems in a Community in Ghana; Plummers Nail (Onycholysis) in an Adolescent Nigerian Girl with Hyperthyroidism due to Graves Disease; Child Abuse & Alcohol Misuse in a Victim:: The Role of Ethnic & Societal Factors; Undernourishment as Underlying Cause of a Teenager with Extreme Shifts in Serum Sodium; Clinical Signs & Symptoms of Addictive Behaviors; Development of Internet Addictive Behaviors:: Potential Pathophysiologic Mechanisms; Internet Addiction & Psychiatric Comorbidities; Assessment of Internet Addictive Behavior; Risks of Developing Internet Addictive Behaviors:: Scope & Extent of Internet Sites Used; Online Social Networking Use:: Associations with Adolescent Well Being & Internet Addictive Behaviors; Psychological Research & a Sociological Perspective on Problematic & Addictive Computer Game Use in Adolescence; Real World High-Risk Patterns Associated with Internet Addictive Behaviors; Management of Internet Addictive Behaviors in Adolescents; European Public Health Policies & Interventions for Detecting & Deterring Internet Addictive Behaviors in Adolescents; Internet Addiction, Media Use & Difficulties Associated with Sleeping in Adolescents; Cyberbullying:: A Brief Review; The Impact of the Internet on the Sexual Health of Adolescents:: A Brief Review; Development of an Integrated Intervention Model for Internet Addiction in Hong Kong; About the Editor; About the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development in Israel; Index.
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