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Alternative Medicine Research Yearbook 2013

Alternative Medicine Research Yearbook 2013

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Classical medicine is about helping the patient back into happiness, good health and developing a constructive role in society by helping the patient to increase self-awareness and self-insight. The fruit of realising your own talents and character is the experience of being of value to one self and other people -- being of value in all relationships, private or professional. From the experience of this happy and constructive state of being comes all good things, a positive understanding of life, a positive state of consciousness, a positive state of existence and finally good physical and mental health, high quality of life, and excellent ability of functioning in all areas of life. Whether we call this classical medicine, quality of life as medicine, consciousness-based medicine, character medicine, placebo medicine, holistic medicine or any other equivalent label, it is basically about helping the patient to know him or herself, and to live in accordance with this knowledge. This yearbook 2013 bring together the work we did over the past year with a broad research agenda on a global basis, addressing questions ranging from a discussion of positive youth development in Hong Kong to managed care. We hope this book will provide you with new knowledge, link research to practice and policy, help build networks of research collaborations and move science forward in this field.
Szczegóły produktu


Rok wydania
Numer wydania
Liczba stron
Wymiary (mm)
180.00 x 260.00
Waga (g)
  • Introduction:: Health & happiness; Prosocial involvement as a positive youth development construct:: A conceptual review; Prosocial norms as a positive youth development construct:: A conceptual review; Recognition for positive behavior as a critical youth development construct:: Conceptual bases & implications on youth service development; Resilience as a positive youth development construct:: A conceptual review; Bonding as a positive youth development construct:: A conceptual review; Moral competence as a positive youth development construct:: A conceptual review; Social competence as a positive youth development construct:: A conceptual review; Behavioral competence as a positive youth development construct:: A conceptual review; Using participative community singing program to improve health behaviours in Australian Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people; Using community singing as a culturally appropriate approach to prevent depression in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Australians with depression; Community singing program & its effect on improving access to health services in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Australians; Health benefits of Tai Chi; Can community singing program promote social & emotional wellbeing in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Australians?; Arts & culture activity participation for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Australians; Mind-body:: Molecular communication & wellness modalities; A SHIP® perspective on creating a healing space for the integration of trauma; Current legal status & research on complementary & alternative medicine in Serbia; Fried:: Why we burnout & how to revive:: A biography of Terence Evan Carroll:: Working-class health care advocate; Cognitive pause-and-unload hypothesis of meditation & creativity; A follow-up study on chronic health complaints in children & adolescents treated with biophoton therapy; Chronic osteonecrosis of jaw bone (NICO):: Unknown trigger for systemic disease & a possible new integrative medical approach?; Phytochemistry & antimicrobial potential of Newbouldia laevis leaf extract & its acidic, basic & neutral metabolites; Assessment of the long-term anti-diabetic & anti-hyperlipidaemic effects of aqueous extract of Urena lobata roots in streptozotocin diabetic rats; An integrative model for promoting wellness among mental health consumers; Rapid outcomes observed in a patient with cervicogenic headache following spinal manipulation therapy & massage; Managed care in a public setting. Guidelines for planning, organizing, implementing & evaluating comprehensive health care (CHC); Index.
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